On this episode of Prairie Prophets Podcast, Brandon chats with Hunter Slifka, Project Coordinator for the Turkey River Headwaters & Chihak Creek in NE Iowa. Hunter has focused his efforts on the Turkey River & Chihak Creek Watershed Project which began in 2015. Since the projects’ inception, Hunter has expanded cover crops from 1,500 acres to 17,000 acres improving the water quality in his community and communities downstream.
Brandon and Hunter chat about the relationships he’s built with the agricultural community around him and credits much of the success of the watershed project to progressive farming practices in his community.
More information about Hunter Slifka and his 2022 Watershed Coordinator of the Year award by the Iowa Agriculture Water Alliance (IAWA) can be found here: Slifka recognized as 2022 Coordinator of the Year in fifth annual IAWA Iowa Watershed Awards – Iowa Agriculture Water Alliance (iaagwater.org)